Number One is NO One…

Number One is NO One…

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Infinity and Zero

Infinity and Zero

These two are opposite and separate things…
…or are they?

These two are defined by The Compact Oxford English Dictionary as…
infinity noun (pl. infinities)
1 the state or quality of being infinite.
2 a very great number or amount.
3 Mathematics a number greater than any assignable quantity 
or countable number (symbol ∞).
4 a point in space or time that is or seems infinitely distant.


zero /zeero/ cardinal number (pl. zeros)
1 the figure 0; nought.
2 a temperature of 0°C (32°F), marking the freezing point of water


Absolutely and stunningly marvellous :) What on earth are They talking about?
Infinity is bigger than, every or any… thing ‘imaginable’.

This is the thing that words cannot describe (tautologous) since it actually claims to be exactly that.

ergo: if one described anything imaginably bigger… it could not be this!
Zero is smaller than every or any… thing ‘imaginable’.

This is the thing that words cannot describe (tautologous) since it actually claims to be exactly that.

ergo: if one described anything imaginably smaller… it could not be this!
Therefore… what we have here is…

‘The Answer to Life, the Universe… and all That!’
The Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy… And it’s not 42 :)
I’ll expand a little bit more…

Infinity is:
bigger, larger, longer, further etc., etc.
Zero is:
smaller, shorter, closer etc., etc.

These ‘words’ come from ‘Duality-Speak’… AKA “All Knowledge”!

knowledge noun
1 information and skills acquired through experience or education.
2 the sum of what is known.
3 awareness or familiarity gained by experience of a fact or situation: he denied all knowledge of the incident.
The Compact Oxford English Dictionary

Infinity is… Zero is… Eternity is…

Wait for it!!


Thus clearly defined as the Every-Thing and No-thing…

eternity noun (pl. eternities)
1 infinite or unending time.
2 Theology endless life after death.
3 (an eternity) informal an undesirably long period of time.
The Compact Oxford English Dictionary

And in case you didn’t notice, I did all these words in ‘Duality-Speak’, using
“The Bible of English Words”.

Not Bad Huh?…


  1. 1=Creation (Matter, Space, Time, Thought, all that is.)

    0 has always been. Yet, not always recognized.

    1 is obvious, but would not be known without 0.

    0 Exists without 1, but 1 cannot exist without 0.

    Negate 1 and 0 remains as the only possibility.


  2. Marvellous John :-)
    The TO Te Ching in 6 lines

    Bless you:-)

  3. Sorry about the shpelling.... Getting late now ...... Meant Tao ;)
