Number One is NO One…

Number One is NO Oneā€¦

Saturday, 7 March 2009



²…You are not seeing the space -
you are the space -
the space like -
presence - awareness.

John Greven

Space is not what you see, but what you see… in.

It’s world encompasses it’s whole being.
Water is not what a fish knows, but what it is… in.

It’s world encompasses it’s whole being.

We are, exactly like the fish asking where the ocean is, oblivious to the fact that we 

and all of our being is encompassed in this water… er, I mean, Space:)

Light is not what you see, but what it reflects… on.

What it reflects on creates, it’s… whole being (object/subject).

Photographs of the earth and Sun,taken from Space, do not show the path of the light.
Shafts of light are only visible because of objects in it’s path (dust, steam etc).

Light is essential to our apparent existence. Never mind all that ‘makes the plants grow…’ because without it nothing would or could ‘appear’.
We are a load, and I mean an ‘infinite’ load, of elements, electrons, quarks etc etc.

This is surely absolutely undeniable, whether scientifically, metaphysically or in any ’ology or ’ally you care to nominate.

At the Planetary end of the universe, we all claim to see this in any clear night sky…
‘objects’ in space.

Remember, that in order to see these, we are looking at an emanation of the light from them. Either produced by them themselves (Our Sun), or reflections of them from a light source near them (Our Earth).
At the Atomic level, there has to space between the particles, even if we can’t see 
it clearly…

Splitting but one atom as we know, creates a ‘huge’ amount of energy. This, however does nothing to the space… it only affects ‘objects’ in that space.

On the basis that, with ever more sophisticated scientific equipment, we are able to observe smaller and smaller… AND, bigger and bigger, is there any reason to assume that this evolutionary process should ever stop?

It’s not that long ago that we believed the Earth was flat… and it was heresy to hold any other belief.

I believe the same ‘heresy story’ is applicable today and there is no tenable reason to believe that the answer is nearby.

History is on my side… :)
In “this Space” we have the atom… made up of God knows What?
In “this Space” we have the Universe… made up God knows What?

The awareness of any of th
ese cannot exist without Light…

Our awareness, like the fish, consists of us BEING…

I yam what I yam and I yam what I yam that I yam ¹

which is ‘THAT’ that ‘IS’ indisputable…

the space like - presence - awareness ²

¹ I yam what I yam and I yam what I yam that I yam Popeye:)

² John Greven

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Infinity and Zero

Infinity and Zero

These two are opposite and separate things…
…or are they?

These two are defined by The Compact Oxford English Dictionary as…
infinity noun (pl. infinities)
1 the state or quality of being infinite.
2 a very great number or amount.
3 Mathematics a number greater than any assignable quantity 
or countable number (symbol ∞).
4 a point in space or time that is or seems infinitely distant.


zero /zeero/ cardinal number (pl. zeros)
1 the figure 0; nought.
2 a temperature of 0°C (32°F), marking the freezing point of water


Absolutely and stunningly marvellous :) What on earth are They talking about?
Infinity is bigger than, every or any… thing ‘imaginable’.

This is the thing that words cannot describe (tautologous) since it actually claims to be exactly that.

ergo: if one described anything imaginably bigger… it could not be this!
Zero is smaller than every or any… thing ‘imaginable’.

This is the thing that words cannot describe (tautologous) since it actually claims to be exactly that.

ergo: if one described anything imaginably smaller… it could not be this!
Therefore… what we have here is…

‘The Answer to Life, the Universe… and all That!’
The Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy… And it’s not 42 :)
I’ll expand a little bit more…

Infinity is:
bigger, larger, longer, further etc., etc.
Zero is:
smaller, shorter, closer etc., etc.

These ‘words’ come from ‘Duality-Speak’… AKA “All Knowledge”!

knowledge noun
1 information and skills acquired through experience or education.
2 the sum of what is known.
3 awareness or familiarity gained by experience of a fact or situation: he denied all knowledge of the incident.
The Compact Oxford English Dictionary

Infinity is… Zero is… Eternity is…

Wait for it!!


Thus clearly defined as the Every-Thing and No-thing…

eternity noun (pl. eternities)
1 infinite or unending time.
2 Theology endless life after death.
3 (an eternity) informal an undesirably long period of time.
The Compact Oxford English Dictionary

And in case you didn’t notice, I did all these words in ‘Duality-Speak’, using
“The Bible of English Words”.

Not Bad Huh?…

The Search for Me and ‘I’

The Search for Me and ‘I’

Then, there ‘I’ is, as a foetus with no understanding, no knowledge and
no religion.

Then, ‘I’ grows effortlessly in Nature, but not so in Man.

Man has the habit/need to acquire knowledge (to become a Me…)

So very, very strange that we believe this to be a good thing…

This knowledge comes from other Man (Me'es), in words or books etc.

This is Duality, because everything in it exists only by it’s relationship to something else.

The value of Everything in “This World Order” is established by Dual thinking.

It is the “One and Only” language known to Man.

Strange… that it should claim to be ‘One’ :))

Nature doesn’t use, or need, it.


What was once ‘I’ has become Me, and Me is clever because of Me'es knowledge.
Me then lives and grows in knowledge, wealth, power etc. and then Dies…

Many Me'es, usually more mature Me'es, become aware that something is wrong, or at least ‘not quite right’.

They become seekers…

This seeking can start, for oneself, from any age but is a very strange, usually, illogical process that is inevitably seriously frustrating and is often dropped for years before one is caught up in it’s clutches again… and again and…

Why is that?

…well that’s real easy:)

The significant problems we face cannot be solved at
the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.

Albert Einstein 1879-1955


Me'es learned ‘Duality Speak’, as Mys’ ‘One and only’ language.

The use of Duality thinking will not get Me’es anywhere near ‘I’…

…because ‘I’ is another ‘language’.

It is the ‘language’ of non conceptual awareness… learning who ‘I’ is cannot be achieved with words.

Mind, your Mind, exists only in ‘Duality Speak’ and until Me learns to stop relying on words, it can never discover ‘I’.

Me was invented by Mind and it’s perpetuation is a Mind Game…

…Yes, a game, and ‘I’ smiles sweetly at it.
